3D Environmental Art

Level design has really expanded. Games require bespoke design solutions while virtual productions desire technical compatibility.
Figuring this stuff out can be really insane, expensive, or both.


My first foray was making DJ Sets. Unreal Engine 4, a lot of asset and UV cleanup by myself of a slew of marketplace assets. One of the reasons I started looking into programming, since all you can do is fly around them currently.

Yung Shiro

3D Blast

Sky Something Idk

Private Suite Magazine

This was more involved. Worked alongside a group to produce a fuller animation. We used multi-user editing in Unreal Engine 4 so I could design the level while the animator designed a sequence.


This was more involved. Worked alongside a group to produce a fuller animation. We used multi-user editing in Unreal Engine 4 so I could design the level while the animator designed a sequence.

© 2022 Ian Neisser. Examples of my work portfolio for commercial client's are under their respective rights.
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